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Multipurpose Animal Drawn Cultivator

Agriculture Item Code: 2

Name of the Company :- AGNICART
Name of the Product :- Multipurpose Animal Drawn Cultivator

Cost of Product 60000
Category Agriculture
Purpose Land Preparation
General information

AGNICART is the first company to successfully commertialize MULTIPURPOSE BULLOCK DRAWN AGRI CART in the market.

Technical information AGNICART is a design patented product. Design Patent Number : 321583-001 Date of Filing : 11-Sep-19 Date of Issue : 17-Jun-20 Title of Patent : BULLOCK DRAWN CULTIVATOR Name of Applicant : SASIKUMAR A P Farmer can sit and plow in AGNICART’s multipurpose cart. Weight of the farmer can be shifted to the plow gradually for depth adjustment. A farmer need to walk 6-8 kms to plow 1 acre land with traditional farm equiment, with AGNICART's multipurpose 5row cart he can sit and plow with ease and can easily plow 1 acre land in 1hr 30 mins .
Product is Fully patented

AGNICART is the first company to successfully commertialize MULTIPURPOSE BULLOCK DRAWN AGRI CART in the market. The MULTIPURPOSE CART is design patented product where multiple attachments like 5 row cultivator, bed maker, puddler, bose plow, disc/blade plow and manure spreader can be attached. USP- 1) Patented technology 2) Eco-friendly 3) 100% renewable energy (animal drawn power) 4) Less cost 5) Light weight so no compactness of soil 6) Ease of use 7) Zero carbon footprint 8) Incidental Benefits – Cattle Breeding promotion 9) Multipurpose utility completes farming cycle like (plow/weeding/manure spreading) 10) No entry barriers for new generation farmers. AWARDS - 1) Achieved 1st Prize “FARMER FOUNDATION” AWARD for best innovative eco-friendly product for farmers in 2020. Its telecasted in Vijay TV during Pongal. 2) First product launch reached 1.2 Million views in DNG Creations Channel 3) AGNICART product featured in various media channels like Indian Express, Dhinamalar, Pasumai Vikadan etc. 4) AGNICART equipment will be featured in next upcoming movie “BHOOMI” releaseing on Pongal 2021. In this movie ACTOR JAYAM RAVI will drive AGNICART’s 5row cultivator using native breed “Kangayam bullock”. 5) Received FICCI, Madurai for best Startup award for modernization of agriculture. 6) Received Carbon Zero Challenge award - 2023 by IIT Madras for best technology benefitting small and medium farmers. 7) Received RKVY Grant of 25,00,000 Lakhs for scaling the cart across states. 8) Received EDI IVP Grant 2 Lakhs for design and development of Wet Land plowing.

Email Id:-

Mobile Number:- 9916651433

Address:- 2/A-2, Nandhi Nagar, Thayirittery rd, Kannappa Nagar, Rathinapuri P.O., Coimbatore -641027